PNPA: World-class center of excellence in public safety and social defense education and training.
Subject to the approval of the Director, PNPA and in accordance with the standards and policies established by the Philippine National Police, the National Police Commission and other duly constituted authorities, the Board shall:
- Recommends strategies, operational guidelines, procedures and techniques for the effective and efficient implementation of the programs of the Academy;
- Recommends the continuing requirements for admission, retention, promotion and graduation from any education and training programs of the Academy;
- Recommends revisions and enhancement of the education and training programs of the Academy.
- Recommends periodic assessment and review of existing policies for the purpose of introducing amendments thereto in a meeting called for the purpose upon the vote of majority of the members present.
- Policies refer to those rules, regulations and guidelines promulgated in this Manual, the Academic Guide, the Cadet Guide, existing Academic Board Resolutions and other written policies of the Academy.
- Deliberates the list of those who qualified for appointment as new Cadets, for promotion to the next higher class, for graduation and conferment of degrees and grant of special awards;
- Recommends rules and procedure in the organization, supervision and discipline of cadets;
- Deliberates and recommends actions on cases of cadets who failed to comply with the continuing requirements for admission and readmission. Failure to comply may include academic and/or non-academic deficiencies, physical, psychological and mental disability and other circumstances which disqualifies the cadet from being admitted or readmitted to the education and training programs of the Academy.
- Deliberates criteria for selection of personnel and members of the faculty for fellowship and scholarship.