Cadet Admission Committee
The CAC shall be the overall in-charge of the Recruitment, Selection and Admission Program of the PNPA in accordance with the appropriate policies. It shall recommend for approval the Qualification and Documentary Requirements for admission to the Cadetship Program; System and procedures in the recruitment and selection of new cadets; Final List of Cadet Candidates; and other matters related to selection and admission of cadets.
- Coordinate with the Chairman of CAC in the convening of Committee meeting.
- Assist the Chairman of CAC in the Administrative undertaking of the Committee.
- Schedule CAC meeting.
- Present the Agenda of the meeting.
- Review the minutes of the previous meeting during CAC.
- Meeting/deliberations.
- Sign the minutes of the meeting.
- Coordinate with the CAC members in signing of the resolution.
- Each designated office representative to prepare their respective consolidated report.
Honors and Awards Committee
The Honors and Awards Committee shall be composed of the Head Registrar as the Chairperson with the Admin Officers of Academics Group and Tactics Group, as members. The committee shall be activated at the end of the school year to determine from the final report of grades the appropriate recipient of honors and awards for the period. Final report of grades is submitted by the Office of the Registrar to the committee fifteen (15) working days after the final examination and conduct period of every class, except in the case of the graduating class which may be submitted earlier than the required deadline.ย The Committee also recommends the promotion and advancement of the Cadets to the higher class and determines the appropriate awards for outstanding Companies for submission to the Board for deliberation and approval of the Director.